Do your shoes hurt????

If you are like me, finding cute comfortable shoes is a painful experience no matter the season. I think Summer and Fall are the 2 most painful seasons of the year. As we enjoy a nice colorful season, it's really hard to express complete happiness when your feet are unhappy. Sometimes I am tempted to carry a big box of Tylenol in my purse to ease the excruciating pain from swollen feet while trying to maintain a glamorous attire. Yeah, Beautiful, but painful...

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Finding comfortable sandles or warm shoes is a hassle! I dread having to go shoe shopping simply because I have short, stout, plump-looking, fat feet that are either too short for open-toed sandles or too wide for slender looking boots. Don't get me wrong, I am Very Very grateful for my feet because they do serve their purpose but fashion becomes senseless when comfort becomes a negative element. I happen to LOVE looking good and we all know that a nice-fitting outfit + quality purse + great accessories + COMFORTABLE shoes equal LOOKING GOOD!!

  • Have you ever carried a pair of sandles in your purse whenever you left the house?
  • Have you ever carried your cute pair of red pumps across the parking lot on your way home?
  • Have you ever bought shoes that fit comfortably across the toes but constantly slip out at the heals?
  • Does this sound like you?
Well, I have great news! There are some great, comfortable shoes available. As expected, sometimes we have to pay for comfort. Comfort + Happy feet = Priceless! Sometimes it is ok to invest in your comfort. There is nothing like investing in a good pair of comfortable shoes than having to limp around, or worse - stand in one spot shifting weight from left foot to right foot.. Most of us bravely take in the pain and feel exonerated once we get a moment alone.

Do you really want to endure pain from the feet rather than enjoy pleasure of looking good? I didn't think so.

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Here are some tips on buying great shoes online:
  • Look for sites that have a very good return policy.
  • Good quality shoes are generally forgiving in width and in length. Good soft leather gives leeway to expansion when needed so your foot is not too confined. Avoid plastic shoes or imitation leather.
  • When you find a good line of shoes that can accommodate fat and short or long and slim feet; it is always a good idea to stick with that name brand.
  • Most cute shoes come in small sizes but there are some sites that will make unique cuts for bigger sizes too.
  • Not all cute shoes are for everyone. Sometimes when the shoe don't fit, you must ah.. quit.


  1. Thank you so much for the info on this blog. People dont usually like to talk about shoes. it seems its a mystery and deal with it yourself. This blog has really helped me.

  2. Great tips! Thanks for sharing! I am all about comfortable shoes :)
